Nice summary, Patrick!

Two aspects of OSINT I try to "lean in to" are "aggregation" and "inference." These concepts are very basic to OSINT.

Aggregation involves collecting data from various sources and consolidating it into a single repository or platform. The goal is to gather a wide range of information from publicly accessible sources such as social media, news articles, forums, blogs, government websites, public records, and more.

Inference is the process of drawing conclusions, making deductions, or forming hypotheses based on the collected aggregated data. It involves analyzing and interpreting the information to extract meaningful insights or patterns. Inference is an important step in OSINT analysis as it helps connect the dots and uncover hidden relationships or trends.

In my own experience the aggregation in conjunction with "critical thinking" allows for development of credible inferences or conclusions on what could be happening based on the data.

Thanks for letting me offer a comment!


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Thanks for the comment and the wisdom Ernie. I'm familiar with aggregation and inference in CTI and threat hunting, had not thought about it so much / enough in this area.

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